Designer’s Diary #6: 8 August 2023

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Thought of the day

Still struggling to follow my schedule, but I still manage to do it.

A new thing that I learned

Now I know why even small YouTubers need a NAS(network-attached storage). Even 1-hour low-quality video clip recorded from my phone is 8GB. I definitely will be getting one in the future.

Today’s activities

8:00 AM
9:00 AM
10:00 AMI wake up
11:00 AMCreate some generic logo for placeholder purpose, record video for content
12:00 PMMaking some Elementor templates for future projects, record video for content
1:00 PMLunchtime
2:00 PMContinue making templates
3:00 PMContinue making templates
4:00 PMContinue making templates
5:00 PMI cook for today
6:00 PM
7:00 PM
8:00 PMDinner time
9:00 PMOutlined some blog content
10:00 PM
11:00 PM
12:00 AMWriting my first Designer’s Diary

Note to self

No notes for today. 🙂

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