Designer’s Diary #17: 24 August 2023

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Summary of the day

I spent the whole day creating templates, same thing for today. Finally, today is the final day doing templates.

A new thing that I learned/achieved

I woke up an hour earlier. I would like to think of it as an achievement. Maybe it’s the result of me recovering from my addiction.

Today’s activities

8:00 AM
9:00 AMI wake up
10:00 AMFinal strike for doing templates.
11:00 AM
12:00 PM
1:00 PMLunch time
2:00 PMContinue with the templates
3:00 PM
4:00 PM
5:00 PMEvening outing
6:00 PM
7:00 PM
8:00 PMDinner time
9:00 PM
10:00 PM
11:00 PM
12:00 AMWriting my first Designer’s Diary

Note to self

I’m trying to reevaluate what am I going to do for my future. Honestly, it’s kinda demotivating doing work without seeing any result.

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