Designer’s Diary #11: 15 August 2023

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Thought of the day

The whole day today was spent designing templates.

A new thing that I learned

I managed to build my first media server. That said, it is just as simple as installing software and configuring it.

Today’s activities

8:00 AM
9:00 AM
10:00 AMI wake up
11:00 AMDoing templates
12:00 PMDoing templates
1:00 PMDoing templates
2:00 PMLate lunch today also
3:00 PMDoing templates
4:00 PMDoing templates
5:00 PMBuilding my first media server
6:00 PMConfiguring the media server
7:00 PMTesting it
8:00 PMDinner time
9:00 PMDoing templates
10:00 PMDoing templates
11:00 PMDoing templates
12:00 AMWriting my first Designer’s Diary

Note to self

Thing is not hard if I really wanted to do it.

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